Welcome to my digital lair!
Hi there! I am Kyratech and you find yourself on my personal website. This is where I organise and show off all of the various creative projects that I work on. I hope that they bring you some fraction of the joy that they bring me!
Recent updates

Winter Outpost

Cole's Titan Dragon AC

USB-C WiiU Gamepad
Recent blog posts
My favourite gaming experiences 2024
Ah, 2024. A year in which I vowed to work on my personal projects more, but instead spent about 70% of the time feeling burned out and getting nowhere. You might expect that the time that I spent not writing blog posts this year (hello, GOTY 2023 exactly two posts before this one) could have instead been spent experiencing more video games than usual, but unfortunately it didn’t seem to shake out that way. Indeed, I initially struggled to recall more than three or four games that I played this year, but I think I’ve now managed to put together a respectable list, including one that is competing for a spot on my best-of-all-time list!
My favourite mecha designs in Fiction
The last time that I did a blogpost was this time last year. I’ve tried a few times to write posts this year, but I’ve really struggled with finishing them. I would get halfway through and just wonder to myself: What right do I have to share opinions about these things? Who even cares what I think?
What am I currently up to?
Stuff I am working on
Replacing the banner images for this website
Since first creating this website, I have updated my persona to be a machine woman instead of a flesh and blood monster girl. One of my current projects is to update my page banners with the new avatar, but I am going to do them in 3D this time round. As a result, I need to create a bunch of props before I can render out the new pictures.EXOTURBINE