
I make video games sometimes, but I’ve never used the Godot engine before.

20 June 2023

Although I am a web dev by trade, I actually have little experience making a website from scratch. I have worked on existing projects using a variety of technologies, but never had to decide what tech stack to use since someone else has already made that decision for me. So when I set out to make this website, I, like the foolish rube that I am, decided to google “How to make a website”.

18 May 2023

I have spent around three months working on creating this website and I’ve been preparing to start this project for even longer. So, why have I dedicated so much time and energy to creating a personal website when I could have continued posting on my Twitter account/DeviantArt profile/Tumblr blog?

17 May 2023

I am not enough of a contrarian to deny this old programmers’ tradition. The first blog post on this website shall be a simple “Hello world” post!

12 March 2023