Jaller Mahri wields his greatsword in defiance of unseen threat. He and his fighting crab companion stand on the seafloor, the darkness of the ocean threatening to swallow them up.

The Underwater Fire

I hecking love the Mahri arc so much dudes

I don’t think that I am being controversial when I say that I think that the Toa Mahri were the best wave of hero sets to ever come out of Bionicle. Unlike the palette swaps of previous series, each Toa had a unique build (and therefore silhouette) but they were all still thematically tied together by the underwater theme (in the form of the tube-like gills).

It’s impossible for me to pick a favourite Toa of this set, but Jaller is definitely up there withy his awesome mask and cute crab friend! I also really like how he was determined not to repeat the mistakes of past Toas of fire, and sensibly allowed Hahli to take on some leadership duties since they were in her domain (underwater).