
Drawing is my oldest and most beloved creative hobby, and thus I do plenty of art just for the sake of art. These days, I have migrated largely to digital tools such as 'Clip Studio Paint', but expect to see pencil sketches and low poly 3D models here as well.


A PSX style render of my late cat Honey, based on one of the best pictures we have of her.
The Defiant Verse is a mecha that can transform into a space-superiority fighter.
A space superiority fighter that is inspired by real world fighter jets.
A fireteam from Null Squadron makes landfall during an evening operation.
The members of the IAGL racing team "Thunderbird" socialise in their hangar whilst performing maintenance on one of their racing craft.


A painting of some beach huts at Hengistbury Head in Dorset, UK.
A painting of Corfe Castle in Dorset, UK.
A painting of Durdle Door in Dorset, UK.

Phoenix Wing

An original universe centering around a team of pilots fighting the imperialist Union, who rule much of the explored galaxy.

A cover for a comic that I haven't gotten around to creating.
An attempt to draw a character in a scene instead of in a colourful void.
An attempt to draw Riya in a scene alongside her spaceship.
Pushing dramatic shapes in a profile view of Riya.
A lineup of all the characters in the Phoenix Wing team.

Misc original characters

A promotional image for the two lead pilots of anti-gravity racing team "Aporyon".
An OC that I made to promote my work's film club.
A drawing of a harpy from an old original project that I'm not currently working on.
The first time that I ever played DnD, I played as a dragonborn bard called Korinn.
Stormcrow is a fire-bending reptile that I played in a savage worlds campaign.
A promotional image for the two lead pilots of anti-gravity racing team "Thunderbird".


A concept of what Korinn might have looked like before becoming the Warrior of Darkness.
A drawing of a slightly unusual Light Party of OCs.
What Korinn looks like following the corruption of her aether during Shadowbringers.
Korinn may not like the city of Ishgard, but she still held the line during the end of the Dragonsong war.
A slightly older version of Korinn wearing the same outfit that I used for the MSQ of Shadowbringers.


A drawing of Kopaka Mata in the style of the original run of Bionicle comics.
A drawing of Lewa Mata in the style of the original run of Bionicle comics.
Jaller Mahri holds his ground at the bottom of the ocean.

WipEout style promo images

A series of steam workshop icons I made for custom racing ships for an indie racing game. Each icon is based on a different WipEout boxart.

Based on the original WipEout.
Based on WipEout 2097.
Based on Wip3out Special Edition.
Based on WipEout Pure.