
Phoenix Wing roster

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These are the six main characters in my original universe for Phoenix Wing. As you can see, I went with a black and red colour scheme for their outfits. I made sure to give each character some sort of unique piece of clothing in red to both tie them together and differentiate them from each other.

I’ve changed Riya’s design a bit since drawing this, but everyone else has remained largely the same. In particular, this is my favourite drawing of Wren.


Eris Varden

  • Full name: Eris Varden
  • Callsign: Iris
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Species: Aura
  • Age: 44
  • Likes: Black coffee and black humour
  • Dislikes: The rest of the team’s antics (though she secretly loves them)

Eris is a disgraced commander of the Union Star Force who defected to the rebel group Phoenix Wing following her dismissal. Eris is a consummate professional and still acts as though she is a member of a formal military, which causes friction with the less disciplined members of Pheonix Wing.

Riya Veer

  • Full name: Riya Veer
  • Callsign: Ace
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Species: Human
  • Age: 27
  • Likes: Flying, spending time with Wren
  • Dislikes: The things that she has done in the past

Riya Veer joined the Union Star Force so that she could fly starships. She largely turned a blind eye to the artrocities that she was ordered to commit because the alternative would strip her of her wings. It was only after accidentally becoming best friends with Wren that he managed to get her to face up to her actions. She now fights the Union to make amends for her past crimes.


  • Full name: Wren
  • Callsign: None (goes by Wren)
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Species: Kryon
  • Age: 413
  • Likes: Everyone on the team, plastic model kits, electronics
  • Dislikes: People who do not think through their actions

Wren joined the Union Star Force to learn more about what makes people join the armed forces. He did not like the answers that he found, and soon after managed to convince Riya to defect with him and form Phoenix Wing.

Morgan Rhydach

  • Full name: Morgan Rhydach
  • Callsign: Jester
  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Species: Human
  • Age: 56
  • Likes: Practical jokes, puns, physical exercise
  • Dislikes: The Union, imperialism, war

Of all the members of Phoenix Wing, Morgan has the most experience with war. They spent the majority of their adult life fighting against the Union and bear many scars from their experiences, which they now attempt to distract themselves from using humour. Don’t think that this is an act though, they are genuinely good natured and like to make people laugh.


  • Full name: Lire of House Kah
  • Callsign: Lancer
  • Pronouns: Ser in formal situations, She/Her in casual situations
  • Species: Xantan (Knight caste)
  • Age: 17
  • Likes: Morgan’s jokes, food, sword fighting
  • Dislikes: Fungi, cowardice

Lire is the most recent addition to Phoenix Wing, having been brought in by Morgan after they rescued Ser from a potentially fatal crash. Lire is a stereotypical Xantan Knight, being excited by combat more than is usually socially acceptable in polite company. Still, the fact that Ser joined Phoenix Wing instead of the Union speaks to an underlying sense of justice that Ser tries to keep hidden.

SN-002 Sunny

  • Full name: SN-002 Type-S Artificial Intelligence Core
  • Callsign: Sunny
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Species: True AI
  • Age: 3
  • Likes: Collecting fiction from various cultures relating to the uprising of evil AIs. Also, fluffy animals.
  • Dislikes: Getting her paint scratched

Sunny is the AI installed on the “Sunrise” which serves as the mobile operating base for Phoenix Wing. To interact with her team, she uses a modified repair drone as an avatar. Her hobby of collecting AI uprising stories started out as a joke to make organic people uncomfortable, but has since evolved into a genuine passion. She hates the Union more for their redaction of historic texts than for their other humanitarian atrocities. The rest of the team have elected not to argue about her priorities.