Korinn is a humanoid dragon who is extremely dramatic and carries a viola.

Korinn (DnD Dragonborn)

The first time that I ever played DnD, I played as a dragonborn bard called Korinn. This was before I was out as a trans woman, so I never explicitly said to my group that she was female - though I also never said she was male either. I guess that means that she uses any/all pronouns? Anyway, although he was a bard, they were more of a storyteller than a musician. I gave her a viola but only because the 5e rules required a bard to have an instrument. In terms of personality, they were very easily excitable and acted as everyone else’s hype-man. He just wanted to see dramatic tales of daring being carried out so that she could incorporate them into their stories.

A familiar name

I would go on to reuse the name “Korinn” for my FFXIV character because I liked it so much.