The light party is comprised of four heros. From left to right... Vaneet the green skinned Lamia wielding a pistol, Sharpspear the squat bug person with a lance, Trachynwyda the towering mage with a rocky staff, and Korinn the short dragon woman with a sword as big as her.

Light Party

A drawing of the OCs that I created to serve as the adventuring party that acts as the heros of the main story of FFXIV. Before the porting of the Trust system to earlier expansions, it was always a little strange that the player would team up with a group of random adventurers for fights but they would disappear immediately afterwards. Like, would they really help defeat the great wyrm Nidhogg in Heavensward and then just be like “aight, see ya later”?

So, these are the characters who would collectively take the role of the Warrior of Light. You’ll notice that two of them are members of the tribal peoples who aren’t allowed to be player characters. Basically, I just thought it would be fun to have mor evaried body types amongst the heros of the story.

I’ve redesigned and renamed Vaneet and Trachynwyda since drawing this picture, but I’ve not yet finished a piece with their new appearances! Korinn has also gone through a bit of a redesign, since I want to emphasis her transness, and I now draw her as almost as tall as a male Au’Ra.