The two lead pilots of Aporyon are crustalline humaniods known as


Aporyon is a racing team with a lot of history, dating back to the very start of the Interstellar Anti-Gravity League (IAGL). These days, Aporyon is known for being extremely consistent, never failing to place in the top half of the scoreboard. Despite this, it has been a long time since they actually won the league.


Forest and Skye are members of an alien species that I designed called “Kryons”. Kryons are magically animated crystal golems that have unlocked the power of reproduction and are therefore known as a distinct species rather than being a type of construct. As magical golems, they do not age, and in fact can live forever as long as their core (located in their head) is not destroyed. Most Kryons in modern society are between the ages of 200 and 4000. Younger Kryons are usually still in an early stage of their development, whilst older Kryons tend to find it hard to relate to their mortal counterparts.