An enormous lego model of an Armored Core. At its side, it lazily holds a short machine gun that would be more than twice as long as the pilot is tall, were the model full size. Its head is cocked inquisitively at you, sizing you up. Will it need to raise its weapon?

Cole's Titan Dragon AC

Cole’s Titan Dragon Mech is without doubt the best Gundam style mech that Lego has ever produced. It is massive, has tons of articulation, and looks sick as hell. It can actually stand alongside proper Gunpla sets, being somewhat akin to a Perfect-Grade in size if not sophistication - this isn’t a feat that many Lego mechs (if any) can claim.

Really, there is only one problem with this set. It’s a Gundam style mecha, and as we all know: Armored Cores are much cooler than Gundams.

Promoting Cole to a Raven

So, I disassembled most of the top half of the set and rebuilt it to more closely resemble an early-gen Armored Core.

Cole's Armored Core raises its machine gun and prepares to fire.
I gave the Titan AC a machine gun so that it could *dominate* the arena. (And definitely not because a larger weapon would be impossible for the Bionicle joints to support).

Even though most of the framework was done for me, I can’t help but feel very proud of this creation. It takes something already excellent and tweaks it towards being more of my vibe.

It’s not perfect, I will admit. The missile rack is just about too heavy, and causes undue strain on the hip joint. I’ve decided to remove it before putting the model on display. Also, cole barely fits inside the cockpit now; you can only close it up if you lean him way back and remove his headgear. In some respects, that is better than the original design, which left his face completely exposed to the elements, but it’s certainly not ideal.

But sod it, I think it looks badass.

How to turn a Gundam into an AC. 1. Throw away the head. Get a zaku monoeye and remove half of its armour. 2. Remove the skirt armour and replace with leg thrusters. 3. AC arms almost always have a structure that extends from the forearm up past the elbow. 4. Make the torso wider and longer.
I made this after the fact, by the way. The amount of planning that actually went into my rebuild was: zero.

The original Titan Dragon Mech, for comparison

Compared to my rebuild, the original model has shorter arms and a head that more closely resembles an ornate helmet.
The original set is undoubtedly the better product, I make no claims to "improve" it in objective terms.