The Force Impulse Gundam stands ready for battle.

(RG) Force Impulse Gundam

Everyone says that the RG Force Impulse set is one of the best gunpla kits to be produced in the RG line, and frankly I agree with them. It has so many great details that it is clearly elevated above the High Grades that I normally build. This is not actually amongst my favourite gundam designs, but the quality of the model more than makes up for it.

My first real custom

This Force Impulse is the first model that I did any real painting on. The original colour scheme was a rather garish deep blue and red, which was a bit much for my tastes. So, I decided to dip my toes into the world of customisation by painting the blue parts orange.

The eagle-eyed reader might notice that the above picture shows a robot in multiple shades of red, rather than orange. This is because the orange paint that I bought looks like…well, it looked like pasta sauce. It was not a good look. Thus, I went over the orange with a red to get the current colour scheme.

Hand painting

In the gunpla customisation world, most painting is done with an airbrush. This allows you to produce many thin and even layers, which is ideal for parts that have to fit together so precisely.

However, I do not have the space for an airbrush setup in my current flat, so I instead painted this by hand. As a result, the colour is not entirely uniform. I believe that it is entirely possible to get an even coat with a brush - that is what a lot of model airplane builders seem to do, after all - so I think I just need some more practice.