The Gernsback poses with a combat knife, clearly ready to punce upon any enemy that comes along.

(HG) Full Metal Panic M9E Gernsback

I know absolutely nothing about Full Metal Panic, but I absolutely adore this design! This is the first gunpla (it’s not a gundam but shhhh) that I bought for myself, and it taught me about the joys of international postage.

Panel liner eats plastic

So, I decided to panel line my second ever robot model kit, and as such I purchased a small bottle of panel liner fluid. As I was applying it, I marvelled at how much better the model looked with dark panel lines. “What a great idea!” I thought to myself like a fool, a charlatan flying too close to the sun.

The consequences of my actions made themselves apparent when I went to reassemble the parts of the model that I had pulled apart for the panel lining. I pushed the arm into the shoulder socket and was most surprised when the armour cracked in half, causing the shoulder shields to fall out.

It was on that day that I learned that panel liner likes to eat through certain types of plastic.

You may notice that many of my other models do not have panel lining. I am putting this step off because I am worried about damaging my models. I know that you can apply paint or varnish to protect the plastic, but I’ve not gotten around to it for many of my models at this time.